杉山 真一

LPC Representative Shinichi SUGIYAMA

TEL: 03-5366-5799FAX: 03-3226-5711

Shinichi Sugiyama handles a range of matters that fall at the intersection of the law, economy and society. His primary areas of specialty include: matters related to value enhancement/maintenance of properties held by domestic and international investors; matters in which intellectual property rights or real estate is the key for solution; and business revitalization and succession. Shinichi also provides support for cases related to sports law, such as advising on the management of sports organizations and on athletes’ legal issues.
Additionally, Shinichi applies his legal expertise to contribute toward the common good through his engagement with cases regarding the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, support for individuals suffering from adverse drug reactions, and more.


1960Born July 8th
1979Graduated Shonan Senior High School
1986Graduated University of Tokyo, Department of Law
1992Graduated Legal Research and Training Institute of Japan
1992Registered as attorney (Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
July 1995 – June 2008Committee Member, Committee on the Protection of Personal Information, Zushi City Kanagawa Prefecture
August 1996 – September 1997Visiting Scholar, New York University School of Law
April 1997 – September 1997Trainee, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP (New York)
July 2000 – September 2023Legal Director, Millenium Debt Collection Co., Ltd. (Current: Pepper Advantage Japan Debt Collection Co., Ltd.)
April 2006 – March 2015Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Law, Komazawa University
2009 – 2011 Exam Committee Member, Civil Procedure Law, Bar Exam
June 2011 – June 2014External Auditor, Nisshin Electronics Service Co., Ltd. (Contemporaneously listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange 2nd Section)
June 2013 – June 2017Outside Director, Message Co., Ltd. (Contemporaneously listed on JASDAQ)
August 2013 – PresentAdjunct Lecturer, Tohoku University Graduate School of Law
April 2016 – PresentExternal Auditor, BuySell Technologies Co., Ltd. (Listed on TSE Mothers Index)
Member, Committee of Outsider Directors and Auditors, above
November 2023Established Sugiyama & Partners LPC.

Bar Association

July 2000 – June 2006 Commissioner, Japan Federation of Bar Associations Research Office
April 2014 – March 2015Vice Chairperson, Daini Tokyo Bar Association
April 2018 – March 2019Managing Director, Japan Federation of Bar Associations

Private Enterprises

April 2014 – PresentDirector, Social Welfare Corporation Habataki Welfare Project
April 2014 – PresentMember, Japan Foundation for AIDS Blood Coagulation Disorders National Survey Steering Committee
April 2014 – PresentAuditor, Japan Chronic Disease Self-Management Association (NPO)
September 2017 – September 2021Auditor, Japan Ice Hockey Federation
April 2022 – PresentSports Arbitration Candidate, Japan Sports Arbitration Agency

Published Works

“Public Interest Lawyering in Japan under Globalization,” Hastings International and Comparative Law Review Vol.21 No.2 (2018)

Co-author, Hanrei ni manabu: Kenchiku toraburu kanzen taisaku [Learn from Legal Precedents: Complete Guide to Handling Building Troubles], Nikkei Business Publications

Commentary, “Minji hanrei II 2010-nen kōki” [“Civil Precedents II 2010 H2”] & “Minji hanrei VI 2013-nen kōki” [“Civil Precedents VI 2013 H2”] , Contemporary Civil Law Precedent Research Society, Nippon Hyoronsha

Co-author, Daisan sekutā no saisei [Revitalizing the Semi-Public Sector], Kinzai (2010)

Co-author, Sekkei, kanri toraburu hanrei 50 sen [50 Precedents on Design/Supervision Problems], Nikkei Business Publications

Co-author, Keiyaku, shikichi toraburu hanrei 50 sen [50 Precedents on Contract/Land Plot Problems], Nikkei Business Publications

Co-author, “Tōkyōto daisan sekutā san-sha no minji saisei mōshitate jiken ni tsuite” [“On the Civil Rehabilitation Petition of Three Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Semi-Public Sector”], Kinzai Zaisei Jijō Kenkyūkai (October 2007)

Translator, “Kanzen taiwa ABA hōritsuka mohan kisoku” [“Complete Translation Model Regulations for ABA Lawyers”], Daiichihoki

Co-author, “Iryō, kaigo bunya no kojin jōhō hogo Q&A” [“Q&A on the Protection of Personal Information in Medical and Care Fields”], Seirin Shoin

Contributor, Kojin jōhō hogo: Kanri, unyō no jitsumu [Protection of Personal Information: Practical Matters of Management and Use], Shinnihonhoki

Co-author & Editor, “Ketsueki kuraishisu: HIV to ketsueki mondai no kokusai hikaku” [“Blood Crisis: An International Comparison of HIV & Blood Issues”], Gendai Jinbunsha

“Jinken to ha nanika” [“What Are Human Rights”], “HIV kansensha no jinnken higai wo meguru soshō jirei” [“Litigation Case Surrounding the Human Rights Violations of People Living with HIV”], “Iryō kikan no shinnryō gimu to sono genkai” [“Medical Institutes’ Obligations to Medical Care and Their Limits”], Published in Heisei 12-nendo kōsei kagakukenkyūhihojokin eizu taisaku kenkyū jigyō `eizu to jinken shakai kōzō ni kansuru kenkyū [Research Report on FY2000 Health Science Research Grant AIDS Countermeasure Research Project “Research on AIDS, Human Rights, and Social Structures”]

“Ketsueki seizai ni yoru HIV kansen higai – beikoku no jōkyō” [“HIV Infections Caused by Blood Products: America’s Status] Hōgaku Seminar No.506

“HIV soshō no wakai to sono go no tenbou” [“Settlement of the HIV Lawsuit and the Prospects Thereafter”], Hōgaku Seminar No.498

“Nikkei ākitekuchua ‘hōmu’ ran” [“Nikkei Architecture ‘Law’ Column”], Nikkei Business Publications

“Fudōsan wo meguru hōritsu mondai” [“Legal Issues Concerning Real Estate”], Mizuho Research Institute – Japanese Law

“Seizōbutsu sekinin to seihin jiko hassei-ji no kigyōtaiō” [“Responsibility for Manufactured Products and Corporate Response to Product-Related Incidents”], Mizuho Research Institute – Japanese Law

“Seizōbutsu sekininhō no kiso chishiki” [“Fundamentals on Product Liability”], Fuji Research Institute

Co-author, “Teitō fudōsan no senkyosha no haijo” [“Removal of Occupiers from Mortgaged Real Estate”], Credit & Law Monthly No 90

Seminars and Publications

“Seibutsu yurai seihin no anzensei, kanja no QOL to anzensei ~ yakugai AIDS ni manabu” [“Safety of Biological Products and the Safety & QOL of Patients: Learning from the Contaminated Blood Scandal”], 18th Annual meeting of PPIS (December 2019)

Presenter and Panelist, “Globalization of Japanese Lawyers: Achievement and Challenges, and Expectations of American Law Schools,” and “Public Interest Lawyering in Japan under Globalization,” UC Hastings Daini Tokyo Bar Association Symposium, San Francisco, CA (November 2011)

Lecturer, “Kinrin funsō ni okeru ryūiten” [“Advice on Handling Neighborhood Disputes”], Nikkei xTECH Seminar (March 2015)

Lecturer, “Gakujutsukikan ni okeru jōhō no kachi to hogo” [“The Value and Protection of Information within Academic Institutions”], Tokyo University Information Security Seminar (2012 & 2013)

Lecturer, “Iryō ni okeru kojin jōhō” [“Personal Information in Medical Care”], Saitama Medical University (March 2012)

Panelist, “The Brave New World of Lawyers in Japan Revisited: Proceedings of a Panel Discussion on the Japanese Legal Profession after the 2008 Financial Crisis and the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake,” University of Washington Symposium, Seattle, WA (May 2011)

Presenter and Panelist, “International Symposium on Health, Equality and Development,” Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Symposium, Shanghai (December 2008)

Panelist, “The Brave New World of Lawyers in Japan: Proceedings of a Panel Discussion on the Growth of Corporate Law and the Role of Lawyers in Japan,” Creighton University Symposium, Omaha, NE (September 2007)

Presenter and Panelist, “International Symposium on Urbanization, Gender, and Public Health,” Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Symposium, Shanghai (December 2006)

Presenter and Panelist, “Health, Law and Justice in Asia,” Dixon University Symposium, Harrisburg, PA (April 2006)

Lecturer, “Nihon no bengoshi hōshū seido ni tsuite” [“About Japan’s Lawyer Remuneration System”], Cambodia Bar Association Support Project (December 2004)